Using WinMerge: To compare local project folder with Github repo; Modify one version of project to partially sync with another version

Note: This post is a details-post for the post: Learning web app development through free online tutorials – Organized Notes and Log, . 

How to check whether a project folder's contents (excluding .git folder if any) is the same as a Github repo?

  1. Clone the github repo onto PC
  2. Run WinMerge to compare project folder with cloned Github repo project folder with following Options:
    1. Edit->Options->Compare->General: Checked: "Ignore carriage return differences (Windows/Unix/Mac)"
    2. Edit->Options->Compare->Folder: Unchecked: "Include unique subfolders contents"
  3. See WinMerge comparison report

Using WinMerge to modify files of a version of project to ***partially*** sync with another version.

WinMerge's feature of copy from one pane to another (copy to left/copy to right) can be very helpful to modify files that need to be modified to partially or fully match another's project's files. By default, WinMerge creates a .bak backup file for every modified file in the file's directory (default can be changed via Options). To play more safe and to ensure that files of the project that is being used as source for this partial copy, do not get mistakenly modified, a temporary copy of the project can be made and that can be used as one of the folders for WinMerge compare. After the work is done, the temporary copy project can be deleted. Perhaps WinMerge option to create .bak backup files is enough to cover the case of some mistake being made while WinMerge copy to left/right is used. But to be doubly safe, a copy of the destination project folder can also be made beforehand,  Comparing modified file with original file helps to fix any such mistake. 



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