Deploying my variation of React tutorial Blog app using Local Storage on Netlify

Note: This post is a details-post for the post: Learning web app development through free online tutorials – Organized Notes and Log, . 

Modified the blog app to use local storage instead of axios and json-server as I wanted to deploy the app to netlify. Followed the main steps detailed earlier in this post covering tutorial Grocery List app deployment to netlify. The specifics were slightly different. Besides the boilerplate unused packages uninstall, I had to uninstall some other packages not used by the modified app including axios and json-server.

In netlify Team Overview page, I had to choose Add new site -> Import an existing project. Also I specified a sitename of ravisiyerblog (

The app got deployed without any hiccups. The url/link for the app is: . I tried it out on Chrome on desktop as well as on mobile. It seems to work as expected. Note that as it uses local storage the posts data is different for Chrome browser on my desktop and Chrome browser on my mobile. I expect it to be different for Chrome browser on others’ mobiles/desktops as well (and on other browsers on desktop/mobile).



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