Notes-log on changing default port for React and Node.js on Windows

Last updated on 22 Mar. 2024

Note: This post is a details-post for the post: Learning web app development through free online tutorials – Organized Notes and Log, .


Starting React on specific port in VSCode

  1. In Terminal window, $env:port=4002 [followed by npm start]
  2. In package.json, "start": "set PORT=5000 && react-scripts start", [followed by npm start in Terminal]

Starting React on specific port in Command Prompt window (not Powershell window)

  1. set PORT=4001 [followed by npm start]
It will be similar for node.js though there may be small variations.



How to Change the Default Port Number in React: React Tips,

In command prompt outside of VSCode, I was able to change the port for npm start by simply using following command:
set PORT=4001
Issuing 'set' command after that listed PORT with new value of 4001 (earlier value was 4000). echo %port% also works to show only port variable value.
Running npm start afterwards resulted in React using 4001 as the port, with the app opening in browser at: http://localhost:4001/

But VSCode terminal is a powershell terminal. 'set PORT=4001' does not seem to change PORT environment variable value.

To show all env. var values in powershell, use 'dir env:' is useful.
'$Env:PORT' displays PORT env var value.
Following command:
$Env:PORT = "4002"
sets PORT to 4002. [$env:port=4002 also works.]
Tried above in VSCode terminal. It worked. Then invoked 'npm start'. React used 4002 as port with browser opening page URL: http://localhost:4002/ .

In package.json, following line gave an error on 'npm start'
    "start": "$Env:PORT = '4003'; react-scripts start",
But the following line in package.json, worked with 'npm start' opening app on http://localhost:5000/ :
    "start": "set PORT=5000 && react-scripts start",

Adding following to .env file (with package.json having:    "start": "react-scripts start",):
did not work! Later I understood why it did not work. Environment variable set up for Create React App projects (like React blog tutorial app) is described in create react app documentation. It states that the name has to start with REACT_APP_. gives procedure for non create react app projects where dotenv package is used additionally (like in node express case, if I recall correctly).


[Most of the above note-log will also apply to Node.js. The following note-log was done prior to the above React note-log.]
Browsed the net and read that setting PORT in .env file and using “dotenv” package works. Tried that and it works. Details:

In .env file:
In test js file:
Running the test js file prints out:


In .env file, unquoted values are automatically quoted by dotenv. Ref: What rules does the parsing engine follow?, . An extract from it:

BASIC=basic becomes {BASIC: 'basic'}

So it seems that it doesn't matter whether we quote the value or not, for .env files that are read by dotenv package. But I think it may be a good practice to quote environment variable values unless the example code we are following itself does not quote the value.



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