Strange issue with direct search on this sw dev. blog which uses Contempo Light theme

Faced a strange issue few days back with direct search on this sw dev. blog which uses Contempo Light theme. The search for (without quotes) "REACT_", "REACT_A" and "REACT_AP" gave 0 results whereas "REACT_APP" gave one result!

A further complication was that searching for "REACT_APP" on blogger dashboard (Posts) gave 3 results! The Blogger results seem to be correct (do not want to invest too much time on this matter now).

The learning seems to be that Contempo Light theme search widget (don't know if the same search widget is shared across themes; probably yes) does a poor job of searching posts. For reliable results, I should search directly on Blogger Dashboard instead. Need to investigate this later when I have the time for it. 



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