Notes on bypassing CORS restriction (error) in JavaScript code that fetches blogger blog feed
Last updated on 2 April 2024 I have put up an HTML and JavaScript modified (and simplified) version of Google Apps Script based bloggerToEbook . Key feature of this barebones blogger blog feed to set of posts (book) HTML & JS program is bypassing CORS restriction/error using For more on latter, see section '4. Using CORS-anywhere' in . You can use the program by simply downloading the index.html and script.js files and then opening index.html in a browser like Chrome. A server like Live Server (VSCode extension) is not needed. To save the dynamically rendered HTML in Chrome browser, I am using Save Rendered HTML Chrome extension but that seems to need a server like Live Server. Print as PDF can also be used to save rendered page as PDF. Chrome browser's Save As ... command used with 'Save as type:' specified as "Webpage, Single File (*.mhtml)" results...