CSS: Putting H2 on left and link on right of same line

Firstly, the solution using flex which handles the issue of vertically centering the link:

      div {
        background: #dbdbdb;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: space-between;
        align-items: center;
      <a href="#">Some link</a>
My earlier attempts were using float for the link element. [I wanted to use float to get some exposure to it as the CSS tutorial I went through did not cover it IFIRC or maybe had very short coverage of it. Note that the tutorial has extensive coverage of flex and grid.]

Putting link on same line with H2: Code that partially worked for me:
          <h2>Blogger Blog Feed to HTML Book</h2>
            class="float-right vertically-center"
IFIRC, above code worked without the div element too.
But the issue was that the About link was not vertically centered.


Vertically centering the span in same line with h2:

The above example works as is but when float:right; CSS is specified, it does not work.

