Notes on ASP.Net Core web dev platform

A web dev. project that I am starting to study, uses ".Net Core" for the back-end and ReactJS for the front-end. I want to get a quick overview of .Net Core and am doing some reading/viewing on it in short bursts. Notes about it are given below.

ASP.NET Core, seems to be the main official docs page. Some key points from it:
  • Free. Cross-platform. Open source.
  • A framework for building web apps and services with .NET and C#.
  • Supported on Windows, Linux, and macOS
Hmm. That's quite interesting. My last industry project, IIRC, was on ASP.NET and C# in 2002. I don't think it was free then, nor cross-platform (I think it was only Windows platform then) and not open source. Quite fascinating that 22 years later, the name of the web dev. platform has not changed much - from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core and the language is still C#. Of course, the features of ASP.NET Core as well as C# today will be far more than what it was 22 years back.

It seems to be a 'one' stack (it also uses 'full' stack term) dev. platform where the front-end and back-end can be developed.

It claims to be fast and scalable and faster than Node.js or Java Servlet.

It claims to be secure and offers "built-in user database with support for multi-factor authentication and external authentication with Google, X, and more".

It claims to have an active community (and its source code is on GitHub).

"Get 10 ASP.NET Core websites for free with Microsoft Azure." Hmm. That's nice!

It offers free ebooks on Blazor, .NET Core architecture and Azure.

Overall, I am quite impressed with the claims on this page. Through these technologies, Microsoft may be providing a one-stop solution for small to medium scale enterprises for web app development. In early 2000s, if I recall correctly, Microsoft's ASP.NET was OK for small to medium scale projects but for large projects, J2EE (Jave 2 Enterprise edition) was preferred.


ASP.NET Core Crash Course - C# App in One Hour, - Seen most of it and plan to see remaining part in near future. Seems to give a decent quick look at creating very simple web app. with back-end database, using ASP.NET Core.
