Biodata/résumé (simple) project related notes

Last updated on 3 Oct. 2024
Over past few days I am updating my (Ravi S. Iyer) biodata/résumé - GitHub repo. Some notes related to the biodata source files/project are given below:

Get Query String Parameters with JavaScript,

To force Chrome to discard cache for specific site/URL and reload page: Ctrl+F5 . I had to do this to get Chrome to show my latest biodata page hosted on github. Ref: clear cache for specific website in Google chrome,

To save a web page (biodata, in this case) in colour as PDF in Chrome, check "Background graphics" option in Save As PDF dialog. Ref: Win10 - Is there a way to print a web page to PDF in color?,

What meta tags are important to use?
Links to a video: How much time should I spend on meta tags, and which ones matter?, , 2 min 18 secs, 12 years ago - Core message is that meta description matters but keywords don't matter much.

Adding biodata page to Google Search Console:
Tried domain (property) verification but that needs some DNS configuration entry.
Am now trying URL-prefix (property) verification (Verification method: HTML file) which needs a specific file provided by Google to be uploaded to site. That worked. Now Google SC says it is processing data for the site and so I will have to revisit it after a few days to check whether it indexed the biodata page.
