
Showing posts from September, 2024

Notes on 3rd round of Next.js official tutorial

Last updated on 21 Sep. 2024 8 Sept. 2024: Starting 3rd round of Next.js official tutorial. First I am reading through its React tutorial (not trying out). How To Create A Next.Js App With Serverless?, , Jan. 2024 . Article explains serverless architecture in the context of Next.js. Around half-way down the article, how to create a serverless Next.js app is covered. Special steps are involved (e.g. installing 'serverless' framework and then running 'serverless create ...' command). I guess that means that the projects I have done so far in Next.js are NOT serverless including the official Next.js tutorial. Chapter 4, Getting Started with React, has a nice simple example of using React with a CDN and also using Babel (JSX to JS compiler) with a CDN, and thus have only an HTML file that has React code which will run in a browse

Can Puttaparthi (or other rural India) college students/fresh graduates develop web apps like Gita web app by self-learning route?

Last updated on 5th Sept. 2024 I am posing this question in the context of my Gita web app  (...  see if app link does not work ),  which I think is now a regular web user interface app. [ Details and screenshots ] I think only very determined and capable college students or fresh graduates who do not have much web development exposure, will be able to follow a self-learning route like the one I followed and which is documented in detail in this blog ( ). The technology platforms involved - Node.js, React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind and GraphQL - are quite complex. The developer needs to know them as well as the basic technology platforms of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. For a beginner, this list can be very daunting. I think the best way for such college students or fresh graduates to acquire the skill set to develop a web app like Gita web app, is to go through courses on these technology platforms either in academic environment if that is accessible to

Missing features, minor issues and some data issues in Gita web app v1.4

Last updated on 5 Sep. 2024 A) Desirable features but postponed or seems to be too difficult to implement Search feature: I very much wanted to have at least a limited search feature for searching verse text and translations. But it seems that the GraphQL data source/endpoint I am using does not have such a search feature and I could not get an alternative public and free REST API that supported search. I have made some notes about it in the post: Notes on enhancements and bugfixes to Bhagavad Gita v1.3 Next.js web app  [Search for 'Search feature challenges' in the post to get to related section.] So this search feature seems to be too difficult to implement. Choosing (clicking on) verse number in Select Chapter Verse drop down lists in navbar should typically go to the chapter and verse immediately rather than wait for Go button to be pressed. An initial implementation had got it done but fixing build warnings about missing useEffect dependencies broke that code. To fix the c