Need free Krishna teaching Arjuna pic for Simple Gita web app; Got few, looking for more

I am migrating the Very Simple Gita app to a regular web UI app using Tailwind CSS. I have finished the migration to Tailwind CSS and TypeScript. I have changed the navigation bar to a regular web app UI (with mobile menu drop-down). As, from a source code point of view, it no longer is a very simple Gita app, I am calling it: Simple Gita app. It can be run at: and this is its Github repository (source code): Note that the app is open-source and freeware. So anybody is free to adapt and reuse it for their needs.

I am now considering adding a home page with a suitable image(s) to the app (large size image for tablet width and above, and small image for lesser (mobile)). So I need a free Krishna teaching Arjuna pic. I got a few, which are listed below, but I would like to see if there are other such pics too and so am checking with readers by putting up this post.

I think there are two free aspects for a pic. One is royalty-free and another is free download without any copyright restrictions for usage. I need both these free aspects for this Krishna teaching Arjuna pic I am looking for.

Three of the suitable free pics I got are photographs taken from religious sites in India. One is a digital reproduction of an artwork in a museum. They are listed below:

I could not get suitable results in had a couple of pics that were close or related but not really suitable for my needs ( and

I would like to see if some more free Krishna teaching Arjuna pics are available. If readers know of other sources for this free Krishna teaching Arjuna pic that I am looking for, I request them to please let me know.

Searching for it on Google led me to sites claiming to have free pics but which had either priced (premium) pics or provided small number of free images on trial basis. Example of such sites and images are: 

Note: This blog has informal notes as I made this migration from Very Simple Gita app to the current app with Tailwind and TypeScript, and feature change in Navigation bar. I think these notes may be helpful for any college students and other learners who want to self-learn Next.JS & React with Tailwind and TypeScript web app development. 
