Seeking full stack web development (MERN stack) part-time, work-from-home job/assignment with up to 2 weeks free trial period
I am a MERN full stack software developer who has re-entered software industry after a long gap. I am exploring opportunities for web application development (Next.js, MERN stack) as well as suitable technical consultant work, in part-time, 10 to 20 hours per week, work-from-home mode. Note that I am 62 years old and have personal issues related limitations. But for the past around one and a half years, I have been able to do part-time software work at home. Of this, initial around year and a quarter has been individual activity (upskilling, doing my own individual projects etc.) Later, over past nearly three months, I have been able to do an average of around 20 hours (if not more) software development work per week for a software development company as a project team member. I am ready to offer an up to two weeks free trial period to any company which is seriously considering to use my services. This free trial period can help both, the company and me, to see if it is working out. I ...